1. In your own words, explain what the title of this article means.
It means that the government failed from controlling, as in stopping and organizing from the mess that people are making, using way too much groundwater (aquifer).

2. According to the article, who is taking a lot of water out of the aquifer?
People who lives, works, and goes to High-rise buildings, skyscrapers. (apartment, office buildings, blocks, hotels etc…)
3. If you take a lot of water from the aquifer, what three things happen?
The water table is getting lower and lower each time, the sea water is keep intruding into the aquifers
4. What is the punishment for taking more water than your permit allows?
The punishment for taking more water than your permit is to pay 5 million rupiah or spend six months in jail.


5. Do you think this punishment will stop people taking too much water from aquifer? Why?
I don’t think that it is reasonable. I think that because high-rise building people are rich, and 5 million rupiah doesn’t seem like massive amount of money. Owners of high-rise building would easily pay for it.
6. Jakarta’s aquifers are being contaminated by sea water. What else is contaminating Jakarta’s groundwater?
Septic tanks. Septic tanks are intruding groundwater without permission. And it is contaminating the wells and aquifers. It is a very bad situation, not being able to drink for a long time because the septic tanks are close to wells.
7.What evidence is there for the additional contamination in number 6?
The evidence is that there are complaints from Jakarta citizens, that the water are getting contaminated because of high-rise buildings, septic tanks getting mized by aquifers and wells that pollutes clean water.