1. The tollund man was alive around 400 B.C
2. The people who discovered about the tollund man found out that the last meal he ate was either gruel or thin soup of some 30 different kinds grains and weeds, including barely, oat, flax, and field pansy. Some of the British archeologists followed the recipe, made a dish and represented to people, everyone thought it was "disgusting" or "horrible".
3. The tollund man was close to 5' 3" tall.
4. Forensic pathologists examined his skeleton and admitted that he was roughly 40 years old when he died.
5. The Tollund Man's body were in full & great condition, people even misunderstood that he died about a few weeks ago. His toe-nails survived through thousands of years without fading, and all his hairs were as alive as ever.
6. The Tollund Man looked so peaceful, curled up in a comfortable position, eyes closed. He looked like he was resting.
7.Archeologists believe that either he was a human sacrifice or a punished criminal, but has been treated gently after his death.
8. The tollund man's body was found in bog peat called sphagnum, and found bacteria in it.
9. He was wearing nothing but a simple belt and a sheep skin wool hat.
10. There was a four foot long rope, made out of braided leather straps
These are some of the interesting facts about THE TOLLUND MAN
Lots of good stuff about Tollund Man...his hair was as good as ever? Still growing? Also you were to look at the two other sites provided and get some information about them as well. There is no evidence of visiting the other web sites.
most of this i knew only 1 fact i didnt know overall good. but next time use more peculiar facts
I'm studying the tollund man at school ( Tupton Hall) we actually are trying to find out how he died he had an iron neck ring and a rope noose. :D
One facts is wrong cause I qm learning this in school and he died around the age of 20 not 40!
the soup he ate was thivk not thin.
didnt help with homework at all! ,
you put '' The Tolland Man's body were in full & great condition''. It should be The Tolland Man's body was in full & great condition.
you put '' The Tolland Man's body were in full & great condition''. It should be The Tolland Man's body was in full & great condition.
Learning about tollund man in history, my teacher said he was 20 when he died as he had his wisdom teeth, but you don't lose your wisdom teeth at the age of 30 do so how is it evidence?
Learning about tollund man in history, my teacher said he was 20 when he died as he had his wisdom teeth, but you don't lose your wisdom teeth at the age of 30 do so how is it evidence?
Learning about tollund man in history, my teacher said he was 20 when he died as he had his wisdom teeth, but you don't lose your wisdom teeth at the age of 30 do so how is it evidence?
Same what sch
Sorry about it being posted 3 times , glitch
It's hard to find out what happened a long time ago is quite hard because there are many different theories of how something occurred. So to say so saying is wrong is difficult to say because we won't ever actually know what happened because we weren't there. Although for a homework situation it is best to look at many different opinions from archaeologists and historians then yourself make a theory based on what you personally believe is true. I also am researching tollund man for a year 7 project so personally I believe he was a sacrificed :)
And the last meal the tollund man ate had seeds that could only be found in Spring so that is some proof that he could of been a sacrifice. I learnt that in history today.
Some interesting facts.
Need some more.
😀 I feel smart now!!!!!!!!
this was really helpful
It was ok
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